Care4uwe can offer a range of service options:

  • Supported Group Accommodation
  • Semi- independent 24 hour Staffed services
  • Solo accommodation


The service model we have in place allows individuals to move through the services dependent on their support needs. We have a range of services in various settings; that we support individuals to transition into depending on their needs.

Services we provide

We’re specialists in delivering Learning Disabilities, Mental Health, Complex Care and Young People services.

Working together and ensuring we put individuals at the center of the delivery of the care and support we offer, will guarantee that we have high quality services, with strong organisational governance. Providing high quality safe services that deliver positive and achievement outcome for the individuals.

⦁ Learning Disabilities

  • We are specialists in supporting individuals with learning disabilities, within 24/7 staffing environment.
    ⦁ Our supported living services are built around you and your needs.
    ⦁ We work closely with each individual, their family and careers to identify and work towards the goals that are important to them – build independent living skills, manage and maintain their homes and become part of their local communities.
    ⦁ We aim to support individuals to further develop their independent living skills in a safe, supportive environment.
    ⦁ Working with individuals to be part of their community and network with social groups
    ⦁ We value the individualism of people we support and aim to support our positive belief in them by demonstrating person centered goals to meet their aspirations toward independence.

⦁ Mental Health

  •  Specific mental health service staffed 24/7 a day to ensure that we offer recovery for individuals with mental health conditions.
    ⦁ CQC registered where appropriate, our accommodation services provide long,
    medium or short-term support to develop mental health stability and daily living skills.
    ⦁ Supporting people to enhance their self-management skills and live independently with a consistent safety net of support staff.
    ⦁ Supporting people to manage and maintain their mental health & associated risks.
    ⦁ Promoting positive health choices and enabling the people we support to access healthcare when required.
    ⦁ Supporting people to maintain the fabric and condition of their home as well as meeting the conditions of their tenancy agreements.
    ⦁ Supporting people to maximise their income and develop money management skills.
    ⦁ Assisting people to access leisure, cultural & informal learning activities within the local community.
    ⦁ Assisting people with the process of applying for move-on housing and later, in organising moves to new properties.

⦁ Complex Care

  •  Working with local authorities on the Transforming Care agenda. The Transforming Care programme aims to improve the lives of children, young people and adults with a learning disability and/or autism who display behaviors that challenge, including those with a mental health condition.

The Service aims are;

⦁ To improve quality of care for people with a learning disability and/or autism.
⦁ To improve quality of life for people with a learning disability and/or autism.
⦁ To enhance community capacity, thereby reducing inappropriate hospital admissions and length of stay.

  •  Care4uwe has developed a complex needs service for adults with complex needs. This includes learning disabilities and mental health issues. Care4uwe currently operate these services in the Berkshire area.
    ⦁ Care4uwe specialize in high quality, bespoke services for individual with complex needs This can be in the form of solo provision within the community-based services for people with a broad spectrum of needs.
    ⦁ A multi-disciplinary team approach is taken using person-centered planning to support each individual.
    ⦁ Our aim is to maximize the potential of individuals support them to develop the resilience and life skills necessary to maintain their own tenancy and have a successful future beyond Care4uwe intervention.

⦁ Young People

  • Care4uwe are a specialist independent provider of 24 hour supported accommodation and services for young people with complex needs. This includes learning disabilities and mental health issues. Care4uwe operate within the South of England.
  •  Care4uwe specialize in high quality, bespoke services for young people aged 16+. This can be in the form of individual or shared living, community-based services for people with a broad spectrum of needs. A multi-disciplinary team approach is taken using person-centered planning to support each young person. Our aim is to maximize the potential of young people, support them to develop the resilience and life skills necessary to maintain their own tenancy and have a successful future beyond Care4uwe intervention.
  • Care4uwe aims to bridge the gap between transition of adolescence into adulthood, by giving young people the best chance of living their life independently in their local community whilst achieving their full potential. Care4uwe work alongside statutory bodies, parents and others with parental responsibility to assist our young people to develop their self-care and independent living skills.
  • Care4uwe understand that it is vital for young people to be transitioned on to more settled accommodation when the time is appropriate.
  • Young people will be encouraged and supported to develop their independent living skills from the start of placement. This will be done by coaching and suggestion to enter routines in completing general household tasks such as meal planning, budgeting, shopping, meal preparation, household cleaning, washing, and ensuring they receive appropriate financial support.
  •  Care4uwe value the individual, unique profile of the young people we support. Our aim is to work in collaboration with the person supported to create person centered goals; these will be aspirational and align with what independence truly looks like for the individual.


Care4uwe can offer placements for both young people and adults:

  •  Learning disabilities
  •  Mental health conditions
  •  Transition to adulthood
  •  Challenging Behavior Support
  • Customer with support needs


We will tailor bespoke packages of care, based on the individual’s assessment which reflects the person’s unique needs and wishes. Mental Health, Customer Services and Learning Disabilities is our specialism.

The care plan directs how the person will be supported to achieve outcome determined and focused goals. We work with the placing Local Authority to ensure the placement is successful and joint working is essential to ensure success.


Care4uwe work in partnership with Housing Associations to provider the accommodation for the individuals. Individuals are given a license or a tenancy depending on their age by the Housing Association.

Our Approach

We work within a person centred and a Positive Focus Support approach to ensure that individuals are at the centre of their care and support. We understand that the individual will face different challenges and issues, so we create an individual tailored programme, therefore is vital that we focus on the positive achievement of the individual. To allow us to understand the person and build a relationship with them as we are looking at the positive aspect of their life. We of course challenge each of the individual we support and encourage positive risk taking, however, we ensure that the individual had the tool to make the decision.

Manager’s support staff to familiarize themselves with risk management plans, support plans and a pathway plan from the onset to provide consistent strategies and behaviors as outlined in these plans.

We have a “Positive Behavior Management” policy that ensures all risk-taking behavior for individuals are managed appropriately using person-centered, compliant de-escalation techniques. We train all our staff on positive behavior support.

We support individuals to gain and maintain contact with significant family members. Incidents are reported and recorded diligently. Risk analysis develops a better understanding of triggers and patterns of behavior to avoid repetition of incidents.

We provide bespoke support that recognises and responds to each person’s needs and support requirements. We have a wealth of knowledge and expertise spanning across services. This includes providing support to people with Learning Disabilities; People and mental health conditions, but not forgetting Families and careers. We use that expertise to provide the best outcomes for the people we serve.

Our teams recognize behaviors displayed by young people can be challenging and complex. By providing an approach that is respectful and nurturing we feel that individuals have a safe space in which to achieve their goals.

Meeting People's Needs


Poor Peoples Impacted in 2017

0M Fund Raised
0% Love Givens
0M Adopted Kids
0K Events Held