+44 127 640 2453 info@care4uwe.co.uk


Outcomes & Governance

To support each individuals’ transition into independent living settings we set SMART goals with the individuals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable Realistic and within Time. 

Individuals are supported to create and understand each SMART goal set, these are reviewed regularly as part of key work sessions so that individuals can take ownership of their own skill building.

Support workers continuously assess the development and progress of each individual and use their skills to manage any difficulties that may be being faced. 

Support workers help develop the following independence skills:

  • Home essentials, utilities, emergency, registering with doctor, dentist etc
  • Engage in education, employment, or training.
  • Housekeeping,
  • Personal hygiene
  • Keeping safe within, outside of home
  • Healthy eating and nutrition
  • Budgeting and finances
  • Self-analysis: aspirations, strengths, weaknesses, goals
  • Building self-esteem, resilience
  • Developing relationships/support networks
  • Having a voice –
  • Positive contribution in the community

Care4uwe strive to support developing independent skills to maximize independence and enhance quality of life.


Care4uwebelieve and work with each individual to achieve these success factors which we consider to be critical to the achievement of the best life possible


  • Connected

            With family and friends, to have service working for them and connected to their communities

  • Accomplished

            Achieved their goals and proud of their outcomes they have accomplished

  • Resilient

            “We are not what happens to us, we are what we choose to become”

  • Elevated

            Accepting that you are on a journey and their have gained new skills

  • Foundation

            Build the foundation for their live ahead.

  • Uniqueness

            Recognizing who I am and it’s good to be me.

  • Wunderkind

            Understanding success can come at any age, however the heart stays young.

  • Enthusiastic

            Excited about their future and the opportunity they will have.


Care4uwe Ltd Strategic Objectives

Care4uwe has effective governance systems in place, to ensure that we are identifying and gaining the young person to achieve the outcomes agreed, this is to assess, monitor and review the support of the young person and that they are on target to achieve the outcomes.

Current systems and processes;


  • Quality strategy/monitoring systems.
  • Health and safety checks of the property
  • Monthly outcome reports for individuals
  • Risk management meeting
  • Monthly ‘in house’ and external audits
  • Significant event, incident and accident and near miss monitoring
  • Positive behaviour management training for staff.
  • Individuals feedback.
  • End of placement review.

Management systems which are in place demonstrate the outcomes for individuals. Qualitative monitoring of individuals, recording relevant information, every contact session and quantitatively recording operational measures. Systems are rigorous and keep abreast of individual safeguarding, maintain high quality of service and facilitate quick response to variances in individual’s needs. Information and monitoring of the quality-of-service provision is collated and reported in the following ways:

Management systems are rigorous and keep abreast of individual wellbeing, maintaining high quality of service and responsive to variances in needs.

  • Weekly health and safety checks on property
  • Concerns/issues discussed daily, team meetings and supervision.
  • Quality assurance checks and audits performed by managers. Diligent updates of risk assessment, support plan, outcome monitoring, incident reports.

We believe that as professionals, it’s essential that the people we work with and provide care for have complete confidence in the quality of the services we provide.